This directory provides a comprehensive list of institutions offering ALA-accredited Master’s Programs in Library and Information Studies. To explore specific program criteria such as location, distance education options, or areas of concentration and career pathways, please visit the ALA-accredited programs searchable database at: http://www.ala.org/accreditedprograms/directory/search.
The directory includes details about all ALA-accredited library and information studies programs. Each program is listed alphabetically by institution and includes essential information such as contact details, the program’s name, accreditation status, accreditation expiration date, distance education availability, and specializations or career-focused pathways. For specific questions, contact the program directly. Please note that the ALA only accredits master’s programs in the U.S., Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Programs in this directory hold one of four accreditation statuses:
• Conditional Accreditation: Assigned to programs required to make changes to meet accreditation standards. These programs remain accredited and are included in the directory. Conditional status may follow a comprehensive review or a Notice of Concern.
• Continued Accreditation: Also referred to as “accredited,” this status is granted to programs that meet the Standards for Accreditation after a thorough review.
• Initial Accreditation: Awarded to programs that have met accreditation standards for the first time following a period of Candidacy and review. This status applies retroactively to students who completed their degree up to 24 months before the accreditation was granted.
• Withdrawn, Appeal Pending: While a program appeals an accreditation withdrawal, it retains Conditional accreditation status regarding student status and reporting requirements. If a program loses accreditation, students enrolled before the withdrawal and who complete their degree within 24 months are considered graduates of an ALA-accredited program.
For further details on accreditation statuses, please refer to the Accreditation Process, Policies, and Procedures (AP3) available online at www.ala.org/accreditation.
Directory of ALA-Accredited Programs
ALABAMA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Jamie Naidoo, Director
- College of Communication and Information Sciences School of Library and Information Studies
- Box 870252
- Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0252
- Phone: (205) 348-4610
- Fax: (205) 348-3746
- Email: info@slis.ua.edu
- Web: http://www.slis.ua.edu/about-slis/ Student
- Achievement https://live-ua-cis.pantheonsite.io/accreditation/#slis data:
- Contact: Joi Mahand
- Email: wwmahand@ua.edu Phone: (205) 348-1524
- Contact: Joi Mahand
- Email: wwmahand@ua.edu Phone: (205) 348-1524
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies
- Book Arts Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: NOTE: School Library Media is a formal concentration; all others are career pathways
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
ALBANY, UNIVERSITY AT, SUNY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Information Science (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted January 25, 2020. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Dr. Jennifer Goodall, Vice Dean
- College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity Draper 015
- Albany, NY 12222
- Phone: (518) 442-5258
- Fax: (518) 442-5632
- Email: infosci@albany.edu
- Web: http://www.albany.edu/cehc/programs/ms-information-science Student
- Achievement https://www.albany.edu/cehc/office-dean/assessment-and-accreditation data:
- Contact: Graduate Admissions Email: graduate@albany.edu Phone: (518) 442-3980
- Contact: Student Financial Center Email: sfc@albany.edu
- Phone: (518) 442-3202
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Information Policy; Intelligence Analysis; Data Analytics
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
- Notes: Dual degree avail. with M.A. in English or History; Combined Bachelor’s/Master’s Program
ALBERTA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2028)
- Continued Accreditation granted June 26, 2020. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Kenneth Gariepy, Director
- School of Library and Information Studies Faculty of Education
- 7-104 Education North Edmonton, AB T6G 2G5
- Phone: (780) 492-3932
- Fax: (780) 492-2024
- Email: slis@ualberta.ca
- Web: http://www.ualberta.ca/school-of-library-and-information-studies/programs Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Joan White, Graduate Administrator Email: slis@ualberta.ca
- Phone: 780 492-3679
- Contact: None provided. Email: None provided.
- Phone: None provided.
Financial Aid
- Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s) Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management Management and Administration Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Reference and User Services
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Notes: MLIS, MA Humanites Computing/MLIS, MBA/MLIS, PhD
ARIZONA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted January 25, 2020. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Catherine Brooks, Director and Associate Professor College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- School of Information 1103 E. 2nd St.
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- Phone: 520-621-3565
- Fax: 520-621-3279
- Email: si-info@email.arizona.edu
- Web: http://ischool.arizona.edu/master-arts-library-and-information-science Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Holly Brown
- Email: brownhb@arizona.edu Phone: 520-621-3567
- Contact: Holly Brown
- Email: brownhb@arizona.edu Phone: 520-621-3567
Financial Aid
- Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s) Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required Satellite or other broadcast methods
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Dual degree with Middle Eastern Studies; Dual degree with Journalism
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Our certificates include: Archival Studies, Medical & Community Health Information, Instruction & Teaching for Librarians & Information Professionals, Digital Information Management, Law Librarianship and Legal Information & Scholarly Communication
BRITISH COLUMBIA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2024)
- Accreditation granted January 22, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Luanne Sinnamon, Director School of Information
- Suite 470 – 1961 East Mall, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1
- Phone: (604) 822-2404
- Fax: (604) 822-6006
- Email: ischool.info@ubc.ca
- Web: http://slais.ubc.ca/ Student
- Achievement https://slais.ubc.ca/about/about-the-ischool/program-assessment/ data:
- Contact: Sandra Abah
- Email: ischool.program@ubc.ca Phone: 604-822-3459
- Contact: Kevin Day
- Email: ischool.edsc@ubc.ca Phone: 604-822-2461
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSpecial Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Human-Computer Interaction; First Nations Curriculum Concentration
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: One core and some elective courses offered online
BUFFALO, UNIVERSITY AT, SUNY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Information and Library Science (also encompasses the Master of Science in School Librarianship) (Next Review: 2030)
- Accreditation granted June 23, 2023. Follow-up reporting required in the next Biennial Narrative Report due February 2025 on the following: Standard II.1 how course content is updated; Standard III.1 hiring for vacant faculty position;Standards IV.4 and IR.5.6 how the program ensures student support services for career guidance, counseling, and placement assistant; Standard
- IV.5.1 how the program ensures student representation on departmental committees and in other organizations.
- Dan Albertson, Chair Graduate School of Education
- Department of Information Science 534 Baldy Hall
- Buffalo, NY 14260-1020
- Phone: (716) 645-2412
- Fax: (716) 645-3775
- Email: UB-LIS@buffalo.edu
- Web: http://ed.buffalo.edu/information/about.html Student
- Achievement http://ed.buffalo.edu/information/about/reports.html data:
- Contact: Ryan Taughrin Email: gse-info@buffalo.edu Phone: 716-645-2110
- Admissions
- Contact: Ryan Taughrin Email: gse-info@buffalo.edu Phone: 716-645-2110
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Music Librarianship
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Records ManagementReference and User Services School Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES, UNIVERSITY OF (Conditional accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted January 27, 2019. Follow up required on March 15, 2024, on the following: Standard V.1 – administrative support; Standard V.6 – financial support; Standard I.5 – systematic planning; Standards II.5 and 11,7 – curriculum; Standard IV.4 – program of Study; Standard IV.2 – public information.
- Todd Franke, Department Chair
- Graduate School of Education & Information Studies Department of Information Studies
- Graduate School of Education & Information Studies Building BOX 951520
- Los Angeles, CA 90095-1520
- Phone: (310) 825-8799
- Fax: (310) 206-3076
- Email: info@gseis.ucla.edu
- Web: http://seis.ucla.edu/departments-and-degrees/department-of-information-studies/master-of-library-and-information-science Student
- Achievement https://seis.ucla.edu/departments-and-degrees/department-of-information-studies/master-of-library-and-information-science/student-achievement-data data:
- Contact: Michelle Maye Email: maye@gseis.ucla.edu Phone: (310) 825-5269
- Contact: Michelle Maye Email: maye@gseis.ucla.edu Phone: (310) 825-5269
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies
- Book Arts Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipRecords Management Reference and User Services ScienceLibrarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted June 26, 2016. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Sue Yeon Syn
- School of Arts and Sciences
- Department of Library and Information Science 620 Michigan Avenue, NE
- Washington, DC 20064
- Phone: (202) 319-5085
- Fax: (202) 319-5574
- Email: cua-lis@cua.edu
- Web: http://lis.cua.edu Student
- Achievement https://lis.catholic.edu/about-us/assessments/index.html data:
- Contact: Stephanie Noel Email: cua-lis@cua.edu
- Phone: (202) 319-5085
- Contact: Office of Graduate Financial Aid Email: cua-finaid@cua.edu
- Phone: (888) 635-7788
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Organization of Information
- School Librarianship
- Other: Community Services Librarianship, Data Science, Generalist, Information Architecture
- Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree)Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
CHICAGO STATE UNIVERSITY (Initial accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted June 23, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Rae-Anne Montague, LIS Program Coordinator College of Arts and Sciences
- Computing, Information, Mathematical Science & Technologies 9501 S. King Drive
- Education Building, Room 208 Chicago, IL 60628-1598
- Phone:
- Fax:
- Email: lis@csu.edu
- Web: http://www.csu.edu/cimst/infostudies/lib_info_science_ms.htm Student
- Achievement https://www.csu.edu/cimst/infostudies/lib_info_science_ms.htm data:
- Contact: Gloria Adams
- Email: graduateprograms@csu.edu Phone: 773-995-2404
- Contact: Rhonda L. Smith Email: csu-finaid@csu.edu
- Phone: 877-278-8898
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s) Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies
- Public Librarianship School Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
None available
Notes: Non-school library concentrations are 100% online. School library concentration is primarily online with some face-to-face courses.
DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Information (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted January 25, 2020. Standards cited for follow-up reporting due on Feb 15, 2022: III.6 (faculty hold advanced degrees from a variety of academic institutions).
- Sandra Toze, Director
- Master of Information (MI) Program Kenneth C. Rowe Management BuildingHalifax, NS B3H 4R2
- Phone: (902) 494-3656
- Fax: (902) 494-2451
- Email: inform@dal.ca
- Web: http://www.dal.ca/academics/programs/graduate/mi.html Student
- Achievement https://www.dal.ca/faculty/management/about/Accreditation/mi-accreditation.html data:
- Contact: Admissions Specialist Email: inform@dal.ca
- Phone: (902) 494-3656
- Contact: Kim Humes Email: khumes@dal.ca
- Phone: (902) 494-3656
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Other: Librarianship, Archives, User-centred design, Information management and policy, Data management.
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree
Notes: MLIS/JD, MLIS/MPA, MLIS/MREM; InterdisciplinaryPhD
DENVER, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Krystyna Matusiak, Associate Professor and Department Chair Morgridge College of Education
- Research Methods and Information Science 1999 E. Evans Ave.
- Denver, CO 80208-1700
- Phone: (303) 871-3587
- Fax: (303) 871-4456
- Email: mce@du.edu
- Web: http://www.du.edu/education Student
- Achievement https://morgridge.du.edu/about/accreditation/library-and-information-science-ala-accreditation data:
- Contact: Rachel Riley
- Email: rachel.riley@du.edu Phone: (303)-871-2508
- Contact: James Banman
- Email: James.Banman@du.edu Phone: (303)-871-4020
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Public Librarianship
- Reference and User Services School Librarianship
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Still offers a face-to-face program.
DOMINICAN UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2029)
- Accreditation granted January 20, 2023. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Don Hamerly, Director and Professor School of Information Studies
- 7900 West Division Street River Forest, IL 60305
- Phone: 708-524-6983
- Fax: 708-524-6657
- Email: sois@dom.edu
- Web: http://www.dom.edu/academics/majors-programs/master-library-and-information-science Student
- Achievement https://www.dom.edu/academics/majors-programs/master-library-and-information-science data:
- Contact: Emma Schmidt-Swartz, Graduate Recruiter Email: eschmidtswartz@dom.edu
- Phone: 708-524-6571
- Contact: Megan Reidy-Champion, Assistant Director of Financial Aid Email: mreidy@dom.edu
- Phone: 708-524-6578
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required Satellite or other broadcast methods
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies
- Book Arts Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipRecords Management Reference and User Services SchoolLibrarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Informatics
- Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree)Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
DREXEL UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science (Library and Information Science) (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted February 11, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Helena Mentis, Department Head College of Computing and InformaticsDepartment of Information Science 3141 Chestnut Street
- Philadelphia, PA 19104-2875
- Phone: 215-895-2474
- Fax: 215-895-2494
- Email: istinfo@drexel.edu
- Web: http://drexel.edu/cci/academics/graduate-programs/ms-in-information/ Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Matthew Lechtenberg Email: ml333@drexel.edu
- Phone: (215) 895-1951
- Contact: Student Resource Center-Financial Aid Office Email: https://ask.drexel.edu
- Phone: (215) 895-2537
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Archival Studies Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Knowledge Management
- School Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Library and Information Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: 6 optional MS concentrations available.
EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY (Conditional accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library Science (Next Review: 2025)
- Standard elements found to be out of compliance: Standard 1.1. Demonstration of ongoing broad-based planning that includes feedback from all constituents, beyond the advisory council (e.g., broader group of employers, alumni, and the professional library community served by the program); Standard II.1 and II.3. Evidence that the program is providing pathways and appropriate curriculum beyond school librarianship; Standard III.1. Evidence that the full-timetenure track faculty are not unduly burdened by the phased retirement of two faculty members; Standard III.2, III.3, III.5, and III.8. Evidence that the program is providing adequate support for research beyond the teaching releases during the first two years, given the 3/3 teaching load, which is reported as inconsistent with university policy, that the unit is ensuring the successful recruitment and retention of faculty from diverse backgrounds, and that non-tenured tenure track faculty are mentored for research within their respective research area in the field of library science; Standard V.6. Provide evidence that the program receives equitable funding at an institutional level relative to program, college, and university revenues.
- Lindsay Mattock, MLS Program Coordinator College of Education
- Library Science degree program Interdisciplinary Professions Mailstop 172, ECU
- Greenville, NC 27858
- Phone: 252-737-2486
- Fax:
- Email: mattockl22@ecu.edu
- Web: http://bit.ly/ECUML Student
- Achievement https://education.ecu.edu/idp/idp-library-science/idp_mls_accreditation/ data:
- Contact: Camilla King
- Email: gradschool@ecu.edu Phone: 252-328-6012
- Contact: Julie Poorman Email: faquest@ecu.edu
- Phone: 252-328-6610
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Academic Librarianship Public Librarianship School Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Continuing Education (non-degree)
EMPORIA STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library Science (Next Review: 2030)
- Accreditation granted February 7, 2024. Follow-up reporting required in February 2026: Curriculum revisions (Standard II.3); Curriculum concentrations (Standard II.3); Evaluation of the curriculum, with an update in particular on howemployers and alumni have been engaged in the process (Standard II.5); update on faculty compensation, taking into account both equitability and the ability to attract, support and retain personnel (Standard III.5)
- Wooseob Jeong, Dean
- School of Library and Information Management Campus Box 4025, 1 Kellogg Circle
- Emporia, KS 66801-5415
- Phone: (620) 341-5203
- Fax: (620) 341-5233
- Email: sliminfo@emporia.edu
- Web: http://www.emporia.edu/school-library-and-information-management/programs-certificates-licensures/master-library-science/ Student
- Achievement Click here for achievement data:
- Contact: Kathie Buckman Email: sliminfo@emporia.edu Phone: (620) 341-5065
- Contact: Emily Sanders-Jones Email: esander2@emporia.edu
- Phone: (620) 341-5626
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered Primarily online with some face-to-facecourses required
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Management and Administration School Librarianship
- Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree)Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science (Next Review: 2027) Master of Arts (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted January 25, 2020. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Chris Hinnant, Director (chinnant@fsu.edu) College of Communication & InformationSchool of Information
- PO Box 3062100, 142 Collegiate Loop
- Tallahassee, FL 32306-2100
- Phone: (850) 644-5775
- Fax: (850) 644-9763
- Email: jb.mitchell@cci.fsu.edu Web: http://ischool.cci.fsu.eduStudent
- Achievement Accreditation and Student Achievement: https://ischool.cci.fsu.edu/about/accreditation/
- data:
- Performance and Student Achievement: http://ischool.cci.fsu.edu/about/performance/
- Contact: Graduate Student Services Email: ischooladvising@admin.fsu.edu
- Phone: (850) 645-3280
- Contact: FSU Office of Financial Aid Email: facs@admin.fsu.edu
- Phone: (850) 644-0539
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisManagement and Administration
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Reference and UserServices School Librarianship
- Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Specialized Study in Museum Theory and Practice (on campus)
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Graduate Certificates; Specialist Degree
HAWAII, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2030)
Accreditation granted February 6, 2024. Follow-up reporting required in February 2025: Update on the process of systematically documenting the decisions that support systematic planning, curriculum development, faculty assignments, student achievement, and administrative decisions (I.2); Completion of a strategic plan for the program (I.3); Update on any rationalization of pathways and concentrations of study (II.3, II.5); Update on faculty hires, with particular attention to the teaching of technology (III.2, III.3)
- Rich Gazan, Chair
- College of Natural Sciences
- Library and Information Science Program Information and Computer Sciences
- 2550 McCarthy Mall
- Honolulu, HI 96822
- Phone: 808-956-7321
- Fax: 808-956-5835
- Email: slis@hawaii.edu
- Web: http://www.hawaii.edu/lis/ Student
- Achievement http://www.hawaii.edu/lis/about-us/assessment/ data:
- Email: slis@hawaii.edu
- Phone: 808-956-7321
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Management and Administration
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Reference and UserServices School Librarianship Science Librarianship SpecialCollections
- Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Asian and Pacific Materials Specialization
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: PhD Info: http://www.hawaii.edu/cis/
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted January 27, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Ted Underwood, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs School of Information Sciences
- 501 East Daniel Street Champaign, IL 61820-6211
- Phone: (217) 333-3280
- Fax: (217) 244-3302
- Email: ischool@illinois.edu
- Web: http://ischool.illinois.edu/degrees-programs/ms-library-and-information-science Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Katrina Hagler
- Email: kkappes2@illinois.edu Phone: (217) 244-3432
- Contact: Karla Lucht
- Email: klucht@illinois.edu
- Phone: (217) 244-3810
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipReference and User Services School Librarianship ScienceLibrarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Data Curation; Data Analytics; Community Informatics; Information Consulting
- Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree)Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
INDIANA UNIVERSITY – BLOOMINGTON (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Library Science (Next Review: 2027) Master of Information Science (Next Review:2027)
- Accreditation granted June 23, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Noriko Hara, Chair
- School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering Information and Library Science
- Luddy Hall, Suite 2999C 700 N. Woodlawn Avenue Bloomington, IN 47408
- Phone: (812) 855-2018
- Fax: (812) 855-6166
- Email: ilsmain@indiana.edu
- Web: http://ils.indiana.edu/about/accreditation.html Student
- Achievement https://ils.indiana.edu/about/program-assessment/index.html data:
- Contact: Michelle Dunbar-Sims Email: ilsmain@indiana.edu
- Phone: (812) 855-2018
- Contact: Michelle Dunbar-Sims
- Email: ilsmain@indiana.edu
- Phone: (812) 855-2018
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipRecords Management Reference and User Services SchoolLibrarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Young Adult Services
- Other: African Studies Librarianship; Chemical Information Specialist; Information Architecture; Library Technology Management; Rare Books and Manuscripts
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted June 23, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Andrea Copeland, Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Library and Information Science School of Informatics and Computing
- Department of Library and Information Science 535 W. Michigan Street, IT 475
- Indianapolis, IN 46202
- Phone: 317-278-4636
- Fax: 317-278-7669
- Email: soicindy@iupui.edu
- Web: http://soic.iupui.edu/lis/ Student
- Achievement https://luddy.iupui.edu/degrees/masters/mlis/outcome-data.html data:
- Contact: Graduate Admissions Team Email: soicapps@iupui.edu
- Phone: 317-278-4636
- Contact: Andrea Copeland
- Email: ajapzon@iupui.edu
- Phone: 317-274-0114
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Academic Librarianship Public Librarianship School LibrarianshipYoung Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Dual/Joint Degree
IOWA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2031)
- Accreditation granted June 29, 2024. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Lucy Santos Green, Director Graduate College
- School of Library and Information Science 3087 Main Library
- Iowa City, IA 52242-1420
- Phone: (319) 335-5707
- Fax: (319) 335-5374
- Email: slis@uiowa.edu
- Web: http://slis.uiowa.edu/ Student
- Achievement https://www.slis.uiowa.edu/about/program-statistics data:
- Contact: Katie McCullough
- Email: katie-mccullough@uiowa.edu Phone: (319) 384-1538
- Contact: Katie McCullough
- Email: katie-mccullough@uiowa.edu
- Phone: (319) 384-1538
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies
- Book Arts Children’s Services Public Librarianship SchoolLibrarianship Special Collections Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Dual/Joint Degree
Notes: Certificates in Special Collections, Book Studies. Certifications: MA and School Library Media Certification. Joint Degrees: MA/MFA Book Studies, MA/Juris Doctor. MA/PhD English.
KENT STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted January 27, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Meghan Harper, Director School of Information PO Box 5190
- Kent, OH 44242-0001
- Phone: (330) 672-2782
- Fax: (330) 672-7965
- Email: iSchool@kent.edu
- Web: http://catalog.kent.edu/colleges/ci/info/library-information-science-mlis/#text Student
- Achievement https://www.kent.edu/iSchool/mlis-student-achievement-data data:
- Contact: Janna Korzenko
- Email: iSchool@kent.edu
- Phone: (330) 672-2782
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Face-to-face courses at other locations 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Knowledge Management
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Reference and UserServices School Librarianship
- Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services Other: Museum Studies
- Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree)Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
KENTUCKY, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted June 25, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Youngok Choi, Director, School of Information Science College of Communication and Information
- School of Information Science 320 Little Library
- Lexington, KY 40506-0224
- Phone: (859) 218-2290
- Fax: (859) 257-4205
- Email: sis@uky.edu
- Web: http://ci.uky.edu/sis/libsci Student
- Achievement https://ci.uky.edu/sis/assessment data:
- Contact: Will Buntin, Assistant Director, School of Information Science
- Email: wjbunt0@uky.edu
- Phone: (859) 257-3317
- Contact: Will Buntin, Assistant Director, School of Information Science
- Email: wjbunt0@uky.edu
- Phone: (859) 257-3317
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Public Librarianship School Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
LONG ISLAND UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2030)
Accreditation granted February 6, 2024. Follow-up reporting required in March 2025: Continued effort in data collection and employment of rigorous assessment measures to serve
decision-making (Standard I.1.2); Documented improvements to the program based on analysis of assessment data (Standard I.1.3); Documented evidence of ongoing decision-making processes and data collection for systematic evaluation of student learning outcomes and curricular development for program improvement (Standard II.6, IV.6, IV.7); Request for additional full-time faculty positions and formalization of leadership succession planning (Standard III.1, V.3); Program’s administrative support (Standard V.5)
- Bea Baaden, Director of the Palmer School of Library and Information Science College of Education, Information and Technology
- Palmer School of Library and Information Science 720 Northern Boulevard
- Brookville, NY 11548
- Phone: (516) 299-3818
- Fax: (516) 299-4168
- Email: Post-Palmer@liu.edu
- Web: http://bit.ly/2KSjzYS Student
- Achievement https://liu.edu/post/Academics/College-of-Education-Information-and-Technology/Palmer-School-of-Library-Information-Science/Accreditation-and-Affiliations/ala-assessment-data data:
- Contact: Heather Ranieri
- Email: heather.ranieri@liu.edu
- Phone: (516) 299-4110
- Contact: Heather Ranieri
- Email: heather.ranieri@liu.edu
- Phone: (516) 299-4110
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered Satellite or other broadcast methods
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Public Librarianship Records Management School LibrarianshipSpecial Collections Young Adult Services Other: Rare Books
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
- Notes: Dual Degree Program with NYU
LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2029)
Accreditation granted June 2022, with Special Report due by March 1, 2023: Describe the student services offered to SLIS Online students by SLIS or the University to meet their needs and how they compare to services offered to LSUOnline students (IV.5.4) Provide updates on a broad-based systematic planning process that involves all constituencies the program seeks to serve (I.1, I.1.4) Show that evaluation of the curriculum includes input from representatives fromthose served including “students, employers, alumni, and other constituents”) (II.5). Demonstrate that the program has the “administrative infrastructure, financial support, and resources to ensure that its goals and objectives can beaccomplished,” including availability of institutional information to address the lack of compliance with the abovementioned standards (V.1).
- Carol Barry, Director
- College of Human Sciences & Education School of Library & Information Science267 Coates Hall
- Baton Rouge, LA 70803
- Phone: 225-578-3158
- Fax: 225-578-4581
- Email: slis@lsu.edu
- Web: http://lsu.edu/chse/slis/programs/masters.php Student
- Achievement https://www.lsu.edu/chse/slis/about_us/mlis-program-and-performance.php data:
- Contact: LaToya Coleman Joseph
- Email: lcjoseph@lsu.edu
- Phone: 225-578-3150
- Contact: LaToya Coleman Joseph
- Email: lcjoseph@lsu.edu
- Phone: 225-578-3150
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s) Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Management and Administration Organization of Information PublicLibrarianship
- Reference and User Services School Librarianship Special/CorporateLibrarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree
- Notes: Joint degree: LIS/History
MARYLAND, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2028)
- Continued Accreditation granted June 28, 2020. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Ursula Gorham, Director College of Information Studies 4121 Hornbake Building College Park, MD 20742
- Phone: (301) 405-2039
- Fax: (301) 314-9145
- Email: mlisprogram@umd.edu
- Web: http://ischool.umd.edu/academics/masters-programs/master-of-library-and-information-science/ Student
- Achievement https://ischool.umd.edu/academics/masters-programs/master-of-library-and-information-science/careers-accreditation/ data:
- Contact: Joseph Sherren, MLIS Program Coordinator
- Email: mlisprogram@umd.edu
- Phone: (301) 405-2039
- Contact: Neil Dhingra, Academic Advisor
- Email: mlisprogram@umd.edu
- Phone: (301) 405-2039
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s) Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Knowledge Management
- Public Librarianship Records Management School Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: E-Government, Information and Diverse Populations, Lifelong Access
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Notes: Other location-Universities at Shady Grove (MD)
MCGILL UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Information Studies (non-thesis and non-thesis project) (Next Review: 2024)
- Accreditation granted January 22, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Joan Bartlett, Director
- School of Information Studies 3661 Peel Street
- Montreal, QC H3A 1X1
- Phone: (514) 398-4204
- Fax: (514) 398-7193
- Email: sis@mcgill.ca
- Web: http://www.mcgill.ca/sis/ Student
- Achievement https://www.mcgill.ca/sis/careers data:
- Contact: Kathryn Hubbard
- Email: sis@mcgill.ca
- Phone: (514) 398-4204 ext.0742
- Contact: Kathryn Hubbard
- Email: sis@mcgill.ca
- Phone: (514) 398-4204 ex. 0742
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Archival Studies Knowledge Management Other: Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
MICHIGAN, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Information (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Cliff Lampe, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & Professor School of Information
- 105 South State Street, 4322 North Quad Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
- Phone: (734) 763-2285
- Fax: (734) 764-2475
- Email: umsi.admissions@umich.edu
- Web: http://si.umich.edu/
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Laura Elgas
- Email: umsi.admissions@umich.edu
- Phone: (734) 763-2285
- Contact: Laura Elgas
- Email: umsi.admissions@umich.edu
- Phone: (734) 763-2285
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipRecords Management Reference and User Services SchoolLibrarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Information Analysis and Retrieval, Social Computing, Information Economics
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree Dual/Joint Degree PhD
- Notes: Masters of Health Informatics and 7 dual degrees
MISSOURI, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2030)
Accreditation granted February 7, 2024. Follow-up reporting required in February 2025: Continued dedication to systematic planning, diligent data collection, and the implementation of rigorous assessment measures to inform decision-making processes (Standard I.1, I.2); Demonstrated commitment to the ongoing evaluation of student learning outcomes and curricular enhancements through systematic data collection and analysis (Standard II.6, II.7, IV.6, IV.7); Advancements in the establishment of a formal faculty mentoring program, including the development of processes, structures, implementation, and associated documentation (Standard III.3); Progress in rectifying disparities in compensation for MLIS faculty to ensure parity with other faculty within the institution, accounting for comparable qualification (Standard V.7)
- Cynthia Dudenhoffer, Associate Teaching Professor & LIS Program Coordinator College of Education
- Information Science and Learning Technologies 303 Townsend Hall
- Columbia, MO 65211
- Phone: (877) 747-5868
- Fax: (573) 884-0122
- Email: sislt@missouri.edu
- Web: http://lis.missouri.edu Student
- Achievement http://sislt.missouri.edu/lis/#program-outcomes data:
- Contact: Student Coordinator
- Email: sislt@missouri.edu
- Phone: (573) 882-4546
- Contact: Student Coordinator
- Email: sislt@missouri.edu
- Phone: (573) 882-4546
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s) Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Digital Libraries
- Management and Administration Organization of Information PublicLibrarianship
- Reference and User Services School Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Joint Degree with MU School of Law
MONTRÉAL, UNIVERSITÉ DE (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Maitrise en sciences de l’information (Next Review: 2029)
Accreditation granted January 20, 2023 with Special Report due October 1, 2023. Explain how the two streams (research and professional), which are regarded as two separate degree programs by the University, are academically equivalent by showing how each program assesses program-learning outcomes at the individual student as well as overall program level (Standard I.2), and demonstrating how the two streams are aligned in terms of equivalencies between the program-learning outcomes (related to AP I.10).
- Lyne Da Sylva, Professor and Director
- École de bibliothéconomie et des sc. de l’info.
- CP 6128, succursale centre-ville
- Montréal, QC H3C 3J7
- Phone: 514 343-6044
- Fax: 514 343-5753
- Email: ebsiinfo@ebsi.umontreal.ca
- Web: http://www.ebsi.umontreal.ca/Student
- Achievement http://www.ebsi.umontreal.ca/notre-ecole/ala-msi-evaluation/ data:
- Contact: Alain Tremblay
- Email: alain.tremblay.1@umontreal.ca
- Phone: 514 343-6044
- Contact: Éric Allard
- Email: eric.allard@umontreal.ca
- Phone: 514 343-7406
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management Management and Administration Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship
- Thesis Option
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Science in Library Science (Next Review: 2029) Master of Science in Information Science (NextReview: 2029)
Accreditation granted through June 2029. Meets all standards.Follow-up reporting required by February 15, 2024: 1) Student Learning Outcomes for the MSLS degree (Standard I.2) assessment through direct and indirect measures, and whatdata have been collected about these outcomes (Standard I.1.2) and 2) What is learned from these assessments and are changes are planned or have been implemented based on the data collected (Standard II.6).
- Gary Marchionini, Dean
- School of Information and Library Science 100 Manning Hall, CB #3360
- Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3360
- Phone: (919) 962-8366
- Fax: (919) 962-8071
- Email: info@ils.unc.edu
- Web: http://sils.unc.edu/programs/graduate/msls Student
- Achievement https://sils.unc.edu/masters-degree-programs/msis-and-msls-student-achievement-data/ data:
- Contact: Lara Bailey
- Email: info@ils.unc.edu
- Phone: (919) 962-8366
- Contact: Ericka Patillo
- Email: patillo@unc.edu
- Phone: (919) 962-5982
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipRecords Management Reference and User Services SchoolLibrarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Data Management/Curation; Social Studies of Information
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted June 25, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Lisa O’Connor, Department Chair School of Education
- Department of Library and Information Studies 446 School of Education Building, PO Box26170 Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
- Phone: (336) 334-3477
- Fax: (336) 334-4120
- Email: lis@uncg.edu
- Web: http://soe.uncg.edu/academics/departments/lis/ Student
- Achievement https://soe.uncg.edu/ilrs/assessment/ data:
- Contact: Nora Bird
- Email: njbird@uncg.edu
- Phone: (336) 256-1313
- Contact: Nora Bird
- Email: njbird@uncg.edu
- Phone: (336) 256-1313
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- School Librarianship
- Other: General program with option to work with advisor to develop specialization.
Other degrees/educational opportunities
None available
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library Science (Next Review: 2024)
- Continued Accreditation granted January 22, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Patrick Roughen, Interim Dean
- School of Library and Information Sciences
- P.O. Box 19586
- Durham, NC 27707
- Phone: (919) 530-7585
- Fax: (919) 530-6402
- Email: None provided.
- Web: http://www.nccuslis.org/about Student
- Achievement http://nccuslis.org/about/achievement-assessment/ data:
- Contact: Nina Clayton
- Email: slisadmissions@nccu.edu
- Phone: (919) 530-5184
- Contact: Sharon Oliver
- Email: None provided.
- Phone: (919) 530-5313
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
NORTH TEXAS, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science (Next Review: 2028)
- Continued Accreditation granted June 26, 2020. Meets all Standards with no follow-up reporting requested.
- Jiangping Chen, Chair and Professor College of Information
- Department of Information Science 1155 Union Circle #311068
- Denton, TX 76203-5017
- Phone: 940-565-2445
- Fax: 940-369-7600
- Email: lis-chair@unt.edu
- Web: http://informationscience.unt.edu/master-science Student
- Achievement http://informationscience.unt.edu/program-evaluation data:
- Contact: Caley Barnhart
- Email: CI-Admissions@unt.edu
- Phone: 940-891-6861
- Contact: Jiangping Chen, Chair and Professor
- Email: CI-Scholarships@unt.edu
- Phone: 940-891-6861
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered Primarily online with some face-to-facecourses required
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Archival Studies Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisKnowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public Librarianship
- School Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Distributed Learning Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Face-to-face, blended and online courses available
OKLAHOMA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2029)
- Accreditation granted June 29, 2022. Meets all Standards. No follow-up reporting.
- Dr. June Abbas, Director College of Arts and Sciences
- School of Library and Information Studies 401 West Brooks St
- Bizzell Library Room 120 Norman, OK 73019-6032
- Phone: (405) 325-3921
- Email: slisinfo@ou.edu
- Web: http://slis.ou.edu Student
- Achievement Student data:http://www.ou.edu/cas/slis/about/student-achievement-and-accomplishments
- Contact: Stacy Smith
- Email: slisinfo@ou.edu
- Phone: (405) 325-3921
- Contact: Sarah Moran
- Email: slisinfo@ou.edu
- Phone: (405) 325-3921
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Public Librarianship
- School Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- PhD
Notes: Accelerated BA/MLIS, Graduate Certificates
OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY (Initial accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2028)
- Accreditation granted January 20, 2022. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Dr. Sue C. Kimmel
- Darden College of Education and Professional Studies Library and Information Studies Program
- STEM Education and Professional Studies 4301 Hampton Blvd
- Norfolk, VA 23529
- Phone: 757 683 4305
- Email: libraryscience@odu.edu
- Web: http://www.odu.edu/stemps/academics/library-science Student
- Achievement https://www.odu.edu/stemps/academics/library-science/about data:
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services Public LibrarianshipSchool Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Assessment and Evaluation
Other degrees/educational opportunities
None available
OTTAWA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Information Studies (Next Review: 2028)
- Accreditation granted January 21, 2022. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Andre Vellino, Director School of Information Studies DesmaraisBuilding
- Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5
- Phone: 613-562-5130
- Fax: 613-562-5854
- Email: esis@uOttawa.ca
- Web: http://arts.uottawa.ca/sis/
- Student https://arts.uottawa.ca/sis/sites/arts.uottawa.ca.sis/files/program_performance_and_student_achievement_2015-2020.pdf
- Achievement See the links to Program Performance and Student Achievement on the Graduate Programs page:
- data: https://arts.uottawa.ca/sis/graduate
- Contact: Catherine Bernard
- Email: artsgrad@uottawa.ca
- Phone: 613-562-5800 x1324
- Contact: Catherine Bernard
- Email: artsgrad@uottawa.ca
- Phone: 613-562-5800 x1324
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Knowledge Management Management andAdministration Organization of Information Records Management
- Thesis Option
- Other: Information Policy
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Bilingual program (English/French)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Linda L. Lillard, Chair
- College of Education and Human Services School of Information Sciences
- Department of Information and Library Science 210 Carlson Library, 840 Wood St.
- Clarion, PA 16214
- Phone: 866272-5612
- Fax: 814-393-2150
- Email: libsci@clarion.edu
- Web: http://www.clarion.edu/libsci Student
- Achievement : Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Michelle Ritzler
- Email: gradstudies@clarion.edu
- Phone: 814-393-2337
- Contact: Ms. Sue A. Bloom
- Email: sbloom@clarion.edu
- Phone: 814-393-2315
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Management and Administration Public Librarianship
- Reference and User Services School Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: No longer offer classes in Harrisburg
PITTSBURGH, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2028)
Accreditation granted June 25, 2021, with follow-up reporting due on February 15, 2024, on Standards I.1 (program’s mission and goals pursued through implementation of an ongoing, broad-based, systematic planning process),I.1.1 (continuous review and revision of the program’s vision, mission, goals, objectives, and student learning outcomes), I.1.2 (assessment of
attainment of program goals, program objectives, and student learning outcomes), I.1.3 (improvements to the program based on analysis of assessment data), I.1.4 (communication of planning policies and processes to program constituents), I.5 (program has explicit, documented evidence of its ongoing decision-making processes and the data to substantiate the evaluation of the program’s success in achieving its mission, goals and objectives), I.6 (programdemonstrates how the results of the evaluation are systematically used to improve the program and to plan for the future), II.6 (documented evidence to substantiate evaluation of curriculum), III.1 (faculty capable of accomplishingprogram objectives), and III.7 (faculty assignments relate to the needs of the program and to the competencies of individual faculty members).
- Mary K. Biagini, Chair, Information Culture and Data Stewardship School of Computing and Information
- Information Culture and Data Stewardship 135 North Bellefield Avenue
- Pittsburgh, PA 15260
- Phone: 412-624-5230
- Fax: 412-648-7001
- Email: sciadmit@pitt.edu
- Web: http://www.sci.pitt.edu/academics/masters/mlis/ Student
- Achievement https://www.icds.pitt.edu/degree-programs/master-of-library-and-information-science-mlis/accreditation/ data:
- Contact: Professor Elizabeth Mahoney, Associate Chair, Department of Information Culture and Data Stewardship
- Email: etm@pitt.edu
- Phone: 412-624-4704
Financial Aid
- Contact: Corey James
- Email: csjst4@pitt.edu
- Phone: 412- 624-9388
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Data Stewardship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
PRATT INSTITUTE (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2024)
- Accreditation granted January 22, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Anthony Cocciolo, Dean School of Information 144 West 14th Street
- 6th Floor
- New York, NY 10011
- Phone: (212) 647-7682
- Fax: (212) 367-2492
- Email: si@pratt.edu
- Web: http://www.pratt.edu/information/library-and-information-science/ Student
- Achievement https://www.pratt.edu/information/library-and-information-science/key-statistics/ data:
- Contact: Quinn Lai
- Email: qlai@pratt.edu
- Phone: (212) 647-7701
- Contact: Sonya Chestnut
- Email: schestnu@pratt.edu
- Phone: (212) 647-7788
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management Management and Administration Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Reference and User Services Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: MSLIS & MA History of Art and Design
PUERTO RICO, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Information Sciences (Next Review: 2031)
- Accreditation granted June 28, 2024. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Noraida Dominguez-Flores, Acting Director Information Sciences and Technologies
- P.O. Box 21906
- San Juan, PR 00931-1906
- Phone: (787) 763-6199
- Fax: (787) 764-2311
- Email: faci.uprrp.edu/programas/maestria-ciencias-informacion/ Web: http://faci.uprrp.edu/
- Achievement faci.uprrp.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Desempeno-Programatico-y-Logros-Estudiantiles.pdf data:
- Contact: Migdalia Davila-Perez
- Email: migdalia.davila@upr.edu
- Phone: (787) 764-0000, ext. 3530
- Contact: Migdalia Davila-Perez
- Email: migdalia.davila@upr.edu
- Phone: (787) 764-0000 ext. 3530
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Face-to-face courses at other locations 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Knowledge Management School Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: School Library Media Cert. Program is 100% online
QUEENS COLLEGE, CUNY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Library Science (Next Review: 2030)
Accreditation granted June 23, 2023. Follow-up reporting required in the next Biennial Narrative Report due February 2024 on the following: Standard I. provide evidence of how the curriculum achieves the program-level studentlearning outcomes; Standard III.1 sufficiency of number of full-time faculty to carry out the major share of teaching, research, and service activities; Standard V. adequacy of facilities.
- Dr. James Lowry, Director
- Graduate School of Library and Information Studies 65-30 Kissena Boulevard
- Rosenthal Library, Room 254 Flushing, NY 11367-1597
- Phone: (718) 997-3790
- Fax: (718) 997-3797
- Email: qc_gslis@qc.cuny.edu
- Web: http://sites.google.com/a/qc.cuny.edu/gslis/ Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Dr. Shuheng Wu, Director of Admissions
- Email: shuheng.wu@qc.cuny.edu
- Phone: (718) 997-3790
- Contact: None provided.
- Email: None provided.
- Phone: None provided.
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Post-Master’s Certifications
RHODE ISLAND, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Lauren Mandel, Director Arts and Sciences
- Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Rodman Hall
- 94 West Alumni Avenue Kingston, RI 02881
- Phone: (401) 874-4646
- Fax: (401) 874-4964
- Email: lauren_mandel@uri.edu
- Web: http://www.uri.edu/artsci/lsc/Student
- Achievement https://web.uri.edu/online/programs/graduate/master-of-library-and-information-studies/mlis-accreditation/ data:
- Contact: Chair, Admissions Committee
- Email: lauren_mandel@uri.edu
- Phone: (401) 874-4646
- Contact: Chair, Honors & Awards Committee
- Email: lauren_mandel@uri.edu
- Phone: (401) 874-4646
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Children’s Services Reference and User Services School Librarianship
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Dual/Joint Degree
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Information (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted January 27, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Rebecca Reynolds, Department Chair School of Communication and Information
- Department of Library and Information Science New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071
- Phone: 848-932-7602
- Email: mi@comminfo.rutgers.edu
- Web: http://comminfo.rutgers.eduStudent
- Achievement https://comminfo.rutgers.edu/graduate-and-professional-programs/master-information/mi-program-assessment data:
- Contact: Lilia Pavlovsky, Director, MI Program
- Email: mi@comminfo.rutgers.edu
- Phone: 848-932-7576
- Contact: Kevin Ewell, Associate Director of Student Services
- Email: mi@comminfo.rutgers.edu
- Phone: 848-932-8936
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Archival Studies School Librarianship
- Other: Library and Information Science; Data Science; Interaction Design and Informatics; Technology, Information & Management
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Bachelor’s Degree PhD
Notes: Both campus & online delivery options available.
SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2029)
- Accreditation granted June 29, 2022. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Anthony Chow, Director
- College of Professional and Global Education School of Information
- One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0029
- Phone: (408) 924-2490
- Email: iSchool@sjsu.edu
- Web: http://ischool.sjsu.edu/master-library-and-information-science
- Achievement https://ischool.sjsu.edu/mlis-program-performance data:
- Contact: Linda Main
- Email: linda.main@sjsu.edu
- Phone: (408) 924-2494
- Contact: Carolyn Guel
- Email: Carolyn.Guel@sjsu.edu
- Phone: (408) 924-6081
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Emerging Technologies; Web Programming; digital curation
Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree) Other Master’s Degree
- PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
SIMMONS UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by theAmerican Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted February 11, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Laura Saunders
- School of Library and Information Science 300 The Fenway
- Boston, MA 02115
- Phone: 617-521-2868
- Email: slisadm@simmons.edu Web: http://simmons.edu/slis Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Kate Benson, Director of Graduate Admission
- Email: slisadm@simmons.edu
- Phone: 617-521-2868
- Contact: Amy Staffier, Director of Financial Aid
- Email: sfs@simmons.edu
- Phone: 617-521-2001
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered Satellite or other broadcast methods
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management Management and Administration Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
SOUTH CAROLINA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Lyda Fontes McCartin, Director
- College of Information and Communications School of Library and Information Science1501 Greene Street
- Columbia, SC 29208
- Phone: (803) 777-3858
- Fax: (803) 777-7938
- Email: kgavigan@sc.edu
- Web: http://sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/cic/academic_programs/masters/master_of_library_and_information_science/ Student
- Achievement >Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Office of Student Services
- Email: slisss@mailbox.sc.edu
- Phone: 803-777-3887
- Contact: USC Office of Student Financial Aid & Scholarships
- Email: USCFAID@sc.edu
- Phone: (803) 777-8134
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
- Face-to-face courses at other locations
- Primarily online with some face-to-face courses required Satellite or other broadcast methods
- 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Knowledge Management
- Management and Administration Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public Librarianship
- Records Management Reference and User Services SchoolLibrarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
SOUTH FLORIDA, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2031)
- Accreditation granted June 28, 2024. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Randy Borum, Director College of Arts and Sciences School of Information
- 4202 East Fowler Avenue CIS1040 Tampa, FL 33620
- Phone: (813) 974-3520
- Fax: (813) 974-6840
- Email: si@usf.edu
- Web: http://www.usf.edu/arts-sciences/departments/information/graduate/ma-library-information-science/ Student
- Achievement https://www.usf.edu/arts-sciences/departments/information/graduate/ma-library-information-science/program-assessment.aspx data:
- Contact: Alexis Shinawongse
- Email: si@usf.edu
- Phone: (813) 974-8022
- Contact: Financial Aid Office
- Email: see: http://usf.edu/financial-aid/
- Phone: (813) 974-4700
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Reference and User Services School Librarianship
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Bachelor’s Degree Other Master’s Degree
Notes: MS in Intelligence Studies available. VA, WV & DE residents are treated as in-state students.
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Management in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2024)
- Accreditation granted January 22, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Ruth Wallach, Program Director USC Bovard College
- 1150 S Olive St, SCT-300
- Los Angeles, CA 90089
- Phone: 213-821-3000
- Email: info@bovardcollege.usc.edu
- Web: http://bovardcollege.usc.edu/mmlis Student
- Achievement https://bovardcollege.usc.edu/mmlis/retention-data-placement/ data:
- Contact: USC Bovard College Admissions
- Email: admissions@bovardcollege.usc.edu
- Phone: (213) 821-3000
- Contact: Financial aid contact
- Email: http://uscesd.custhelp.com/app/ask
- Phone: 213-740 4444
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Management and Administration
Other degrees/educational opportunities
None available
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2028)
- Initial Accreditation granted June 26, 2020. Meets all Standards. No follow-up reporting.
- Dr. Hak Joon Kim College of Education
- Department of Information and Library Science 501 Crescent Street
- New Haven, CT 06515
- Phone: 203.392.5781
- Fax: 203.392.5780
- Email: ILS@southernct.edu
- Web: http://inside.southernct.edu/information-and-library-science Student
- Achievement https://inside.southernct.edu/information-and-library-science/mlis data:
- Contact: Dr. Arlene Bielefield
- Email: bielefielda1@southernct.edu
- Phone: 203.392.5708
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries Knowledge Management
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Reference and UserServices School Librarianship
- Thesis Option
- Other: Individualized Programs
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Bachelor’s Degree
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted June 23, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Stacy Creel, Director
- College of Education and Health Sciences School of Library and Information Science118 College Drive #5146
- Hattiesburg, MS 39406-0001
- Phone: (601) 266-4228
- Fax: (601) 266-5774
- Email: slis@usm.edu
- Web: http://www.usm.edu/slis Student
- Achievement https://www.usm.edu/library-information-science/about data:
- Contact: Graduate Admissions
- Email: graduatestudies@usm.edu
- Phone: (601) 266-5137
- Contact: Financial Aid Office
- Email: financial.aid@usm.edu
- Phone: (601) 266-4774
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship
- School Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Dual MA/MS with History, Anthropology or Political Science – only SLIS portion is online
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
Notes: Real-time chats required for each online course, Graduate Certificates
ST. CATHERINE UNIVERSITY (Conditional accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Out of compliance with Standard III.1, Standard IV.4, and Standard V.6-8.
- Joyce Yukawa, Interim Director, MLIS Program Graduate College
- School of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences
- MLIS Program/Information Management Department 2004 Randolph Avenue #4125
- St. Paul, MN 55105
- Phone: 651-690-6802
- Fax: 651-690-8724
- Email: imdept@stkate.edu
- Web: http://www.stkate.edu/academics/academic-programs/gc-library-and-information-science Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Ashley Wells
- Email: aewells@stkate.edu
- Phone: 612-214-0741
- Contact: Borr Vang
- Email: bvang@stkate.edu
- Phone: 651-690-6607
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Public Librarianship Reference and User Services School Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Continuing Education (non-degree)
Notes: 15 cr.post-masters certificate of advanced study
ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted January 27, 2019. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- James Vorbach, Director
- St. John’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Division of Library and InformationScience 8000 Utopia Parkway
- Queens, NY 11439
- Phone: (718) 990-1834
- Fax: (718) 990-2071
- Email: vorbachj@stjohns.edu
- Web: http://www.stjohns.edu/academics/programs/library-and-information-science-master-science Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Michael Crossfox
- Email: DLIS@stjohns.edu
- Phone: (718) 990-6200
- Contact: Financial Aid Staff
- Email: financialaid@stjohns.edu
- Phone: (718) 990-2000
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Public Librarianship Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Dual Deg: MA Public History/MSLIS; MA Gov’t/MSLIS
SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Science in Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2030)
Accreditation granted February 6, 2024. Follow-up reporting required in October 2024: Program’s plan for documenting informal assessment processes as well as documenting overall program assessment (Standard I.5); Explain the rationale for the significant discrepancy between the likelihood of a full-time faculty member teaching an on-campus course (80% likelihood) versus online (13-15% likelihood) (Standard III.1, AP3I.10); Plans to recruit additional full-time faculty (tenure and teaching tracks) (Standard III.1); Address the provision of complete student outcomes data on all program landing pages, including those hosted by Syracuse as well as 2U (AP3I.18.1)
- Megan Oakleaf, MLIS Program Director School of Information Studies
- 343 Hinds Hall
- Syracuse, NY 13244
- Phone: (315) 443-2911
- Fax: (315) 443-6886
- Email: ischool@syr.edu
- Web: http://ischool.syr.edu/academics/graduate/masters-degrees/ms-library-and-information-science/ Student
- Achievement https://ischool.syr.edu/academics/masters-programs/library-and-information-science-consumer-information/ data:
- Contact: Enrollment Management
- Email: iGrad@syr.edu
- Phone: (315) 443-2911
- Contact: Enrollment Management
- Email: igrad@syr.edu
- Phone: (315) 443-2911
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
School Librarianship Other: Data Science
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
TENNESSEE, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Science in Information Sciences (Next Review: 2031)
- Accreditation granted June 29, 2024. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Abebe Rorissa, Professor & Director College of Communication and InformationSchool of Information Sciences
- 451 Communication Building
- Knoxville, TN 37996
- Phone: (865) 974-2148
- Fax: (865) 974-4967
- Email: sis@utk.edu
- Web: http://www.sis.utk.edu Student
- Achievement http://www.sis.utk.edu/student-achievement data:
- Contact: School of Information Sciences
- Email: sis@utk.edu
- Phone: (865) 974-2148
- Contact: School of Information Sciences
- Email: sis@utk.edu
- Phone: (865) 974-2148
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management Management and Administration Organization of Information
- Public Librarianship Reference and User Services School LibrarianshipScience Librarianship Special Collections
- Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
- Other: Data Curation; Social and Community Informatics; Information Technology; Human Computer Interaction
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Notes: Interdisciplinary minor Computational Sciences
TEXAS AT AUSTIN, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Science in Information Studies (Next Review: 2029)
Accreditation granted June 24, 2029. Meets all standards. Follow-up reporting required by February 15, 2024 regarding: • How student learning outcomes are measured using the new program requirements, including the methods of assessment (direct and indirect performance measures) that indicate how students performed directly related to student learning outcomes, beyond a single grade, and how the findings are used in program and curriculum decision-making (Standards II.3, II.5-7, IV.4, IV.6, IV.7, and IV.8) • Provide an update on the status of the Pathway Advising Tool implementation and its effect on faculty/student advising. Describe the advising process that ensures that students areconstructing a coherent program of study. (II.3, IV.4 and IV.5.3)
- Soo Young Rieh, Interim Dean School of Information
- 1616 Guadalupe St. Ste 5.202
- Austin, TX 78701-1213
- Phone: (512) 471-3821
- Fax: (512) 471-3971
- Email: info@ischool.utexas.edu Web: http://www.ischool.utexas.eduStudent
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Carla Criner
- Email: criner@ischool.utexas.edu
- Phone: (512) 471-5654
- Contact: Carol Carreon
- Email: awards@ischool.utexas.edu
- Phone: (512) 471-2416
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Organization of Information
- Records Management School Librarianship Special CollectionsThesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
TEXAS WOMAN’S UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library Science (Next Review: 2025) Master of Arts in Library Science (Next Review:2025)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Gretchen Hoffman, Director
- School of Library and Information Studies Stoddard Hall, 1317 N. Bell Avenue, Room 404Denton, TX 76201
- Phone: (940) 898-2602/2603
- Fax: (940) 898-2611
- Email: slis@twu.edu
- Web: http://www.twu.edu/slis/
- Student
- https://twu.edu/slis/programs-admission-requirements/master-of-library-science-degree-mls/ Click on Public
- Achievement Disclosure on Master’s Student Learning Assessment at top of page
- Contact: Val Warwas
- Email: SLIS@twu.edu
- Phone: (940) 898-2603
- Contact: Financial Aid Office
- Email: finaid@twu.edu
- Phone: (940) 898-3064
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Satellite or other broadcast methods 100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Management and Administration
- Public Librarianship School Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Other Master’s Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
TORONTO, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
Master of Information (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Javed Mostafa, Dean Faculty of Information 140 St. George StreetToronto, ON M5S 3G6
- Phone: (416) 978-3202
- Fax: (416) 978-5762
- Email: inquire.ischool@utoronto.ca Web: http://www.ischool.utoronto.ca/Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Barbara Brown
- Email: barb.brown@utoronto.ca
- Phone: (416) 978-8589
- Contact: Barbara Brown
- Email: barb.brown@utoronto.ca
- Phone: (416) 978-8589
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Health Sciences Librarianship/Health InformaticsInformation Systems Design/Analysis Knowledge Management
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesScience Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Thesis Option
- Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Dual degree: MI/JD; Concurrent Degree: MI/MMSt;
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (Initial accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2031)
- Dr Deborah Lee
- Faculty of Arts and Humanities Information Studies
- Gower Street
- Phone: +44 (0) 20 7679 2000
- Web: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/information-studies/ Student
- Achievement https://www.ucl.ac.uk/information-studies/study/postgraduate-study/ma-library-and-information-studies/extra-information-and-learning-outcomes data:
- Contact: Laura Keshav
- Email: l.keshav@ucl.ac.uk
- Contact: Laura Keshav
- Email: l.keshav@ucl.ac.uk
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
None available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Organization of Information
- Reference and User Services Special Collections
- Thesis Option
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Other Master’s Degree
- PhD
Notes: The program is 100% in-person
VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2028)
- Accreditation granted January 21, 2022. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Lenese Colson, Interim Program Director College of Education and Human ServicesDepartment of Library and Information Studies 1500 N. Patterson St., Odum 4600
- Valdosta, GA 31698-0133
- Phone: (229) 333-5966
- Fax: (229) 259-5055
- Email: mlis@valdosta.edu
- Web: http://www.valdosta.edu/mlis/ Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Sheila Peacock
- Email: mlis@valdosta.edu
- Phone: (229) 333-5966
- Contact: Sheila Peacock
- Email: mlis@valdosta.edu
- Phone: (229) 333-5966
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisManagement and Administration
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Records ManagementReference and User Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
Dual/Joint Degree
WASHINGTON, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2027)
- Accreditation granted January 22, 2021. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Cindy Aden, Professor of Practice and Distinguished Practitioner in Residence The Information School
- 370 Mary Gates Hall Seattle, WA 98195-2840
- Phone: (206) 685-9937
- Fax: (206) 616-3152
- Email: ischool@uw.edu
- Web: http://ischool.uw.edu/programs/mlis Student
- Achievement https://ischool.uw.edu/programs/mlis/statistics data:
- Contact: Admissions Coordinator
- Email: mlis@uw.edu
- Phone: (206) 543-1794
- Contact: Admissions Coordinator
- Email: mlis@uw.edu
- Phone: (206) 543-1794
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Children’s Services Digital Libraries
- Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Reference and User Services School Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree Dual/Joint Degree Other Master’s Degree PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2024)
- Accreditation granted January 22, 2017. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Thomas D. Walker, Associate Dean and Professor School of Information Sciences
- 106 Kresge Library
- Detroit, MI 48202
- Phone: (313) 577-1825
- Fax: (313) 577-7563
- Email: asklis@wayne.edu
- Web: http://sis.wayne.edu/mlis/index.php Student
- Achievement http://sis.wayne.edu/about/achievement.php data:
- Contact: Matthew Fredericks
- Email: mfredericks@wayne.edu
- Phone: (313) 577-2446
- Contact: Matthew Fredericks
- Email: mfredericks@wayne.edu
- Phone: (313) 577-2446
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Cultural Heritage Information Management Digital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and AdministrationOrganization of Information
- Public Librarianship Records Management Reference and User ServicesSchool Librarianship Science Librarianship Special Collections
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Urban Librarianship
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Dual/Joint Degree
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Online Graduate Certificates available
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2026)
- Accreditation granted June 24, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Anabel Quan-Haase, Associate Dean Graduate & Postdoctoral Programs Faculty of Information and Media Studies
- Graduate Programs in Library & Information Science North Campus Building, Room 240
- London, ON N6A 5B7
- Phone: (519) 661-4017
- Fax: (519) 661-3506
- Email: mlisinfo@uwo.ca
- Web: http://www.fims.uwo.ca Student
- Achievement Click here to view Achievement data:
- Contact: Shelley Long
- Email: mlisinfo@uwo.ca
- Phone: (519) 661-4017
- Contact: Student Financial Services
- Email: finaid@uwo.ca
- Phone: (519) 661-2100
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
Primarily face-to-face with select online courses offered
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s Services
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/AnalysisManagement and Administration
- Organization of Information Public Librarianship Records ManagementReference and User Services
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
- Other: Community Development, Developing Collections, Information Officer (Specialist)
Other degrees/educational opportunities
WISCONSIN-MADISON, UNIVERSITY OF (Continued accreditation)
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Studies (Next Review: 2029)
- Accreditation granted January 20, 2023. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Alan Rubel, Professor and Director College of Letters & Science InformationSchool
- 600 North Park Street Madison, WI 53706
- Phone: (608) 263-2900
- Fax: (608) 263-4849
- Email: info@ischool.wisc.edu
- Web: http://ischool.wisc.edu/ Student
- Achievement https://ischool.wisc.edu/about-the-lis-ma/#ma-program-assessment-reports data:
- Contact: Tanya Hendricks Cobb
- Email: student-services@ischool.wisc.edu
- Phone: (608) 263-2909
- Contact: Student Financial Services
- Email: finaid@das.wisc.edu
- Phone: (608) 262-3060
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
Academic Librarianship Archival Studies Children’s ServicesDigital Libraries
- Health Sciences Librarianship/Health Informatics Information Systems Design/Analysis
- Law Librarianship/Legal Information Services Management and Administration
- Music Librarianship Organization of Information Public LibrarianshipRecords Management Reference and User Services SchoolLibrarianship Science Librarianship
- Special/Corporate Librarianship Young Adult Services
Other degrees/educational opportunities Continuing Education (non-degree)Dual/Joint Degree
Degree program(s) accredited by the American Library Association
- Master of Library and Information Science (Next Review: 2025)
- Accreditation granted February 11, 2018. Meets all standards. No follow-up reporting required.
- Dietmar Wolfram, Senior Associate Dean School of Information Studies
- P.O. Box 413
- Milwaukee, WI 53201
- Phone: 414-229-4707
- Fax: 414-229-6699
- Email: soisinfo@uwm.edu
- Web: http://uwm.edu/informationstudies/ Student
- Achievement https://uwm.edu/informationstudies/academic-programs/library-and-information-science-masters/mlis-program-assessment/ data:
- Contact: Admissions Coordinator
- Email: soisinfo@uwm.edu
- Phone: 414-229-4707
- Contact: Department of Financial Aid
- Email: finaid@uwm.edu
- Phone: 414-229-4541
Financial Aid
Distance education options for ALA-Accredited program(s)
100% online program available
Areas of concentration/career pathways within ALA-accredited programs
- Archival Studies Organization of Information Public Librarianship
- School Librarianship
- Other: Public Library Leadership; Archives & Records Management; Information Technology
Other degrees/educational opportunities
- Bachelor’s Degree
- Continuing Education (non-degree) Dual/Joint Degree
- PhD
- Post-Master’s Certifications
Notes: Transcript Designations available