In some states, librarians must hold certification in order to work in public libraries. This usually involves holding a master’s degree from an American Library Association (ALA)-accredited program, and sometimes completing continuing education requirements to maintain that certification. In other states, only librarians holding certain roles and responsibilities must become certified. And then there’s school librarianship, as well as other specialized librarian positions, which require different certifications altogether. We will examine the certification requirements for librarians in each state here.
National ALA Certifications
The ALA offers two certification programs. These are optional and are in addition to certifications that states may require in order to work as a librarian there. They are:

Certified Public Library Administrator Program – This is a voluntary, post Masters of Library Science (MLS) certification program designed for public librarians who have three or more years of supervisory experience. Nine standards are offered, of which seven must be fulfilled to complete CPLA certification:
The four required competencies are:
- Budget/finance
- Management of technology
- Planning and management of buildings
- Organizational and personnel management
Of these five remaining competencies, candidates must choose three:
- Marketing
- Current issues
- Serving diverse communities
- Politics/partnerships
- Fundraising/grantsmanship
Library Support Staff Certification Program – This is for library support staff with a high school diploma and a year of work experience (paid or unpaid) in a library. Six of ten competencies must be fulfilled:
The three required competencies are:
- Foundations of library services
- Technology
- Communication and teamwork
Of these seven remaining competencies, three must be fulfilled:
- Access services
- Adult readers’ advisory services
- Cataloging and classification
- Collections
- Reference and information services
- Supervision and management
- Youth services
State Public Librarian and School Librarian Certifications
Public Librarians
No certification required for public librarians. Library directors, however, must complete a minimum of four continuing education meetings per year.
School Librarians
School librarians in Alabama must have a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Specialist Test. They must also complete the Alabama Educator Certification Testing Program.
Public Librarians
No certification required for public librarians. Library directors need to complete at least one continuing education program that is approved by a state librarian.
School Librarians
Alaska’s school librarians need to have a bachelor’s degree or higher in Library Media Education, as well as three semester hours of Alaska studies and three semester hours of multicultural education.
Public Librarians
In order to become a certified librarian in Arizona, one must have a high school diploma and 2000 hours of paid/unpaid library work, as well as 162 hours of documented training in librarian core competencies within five years. Certification renewal requires 45 additional contact hours every three years in any core competencies.
School Librarians
School librarians in Arizona must have a teaching license or a year of full-time teaching experience and subject competency. They must pass the Library/Educational Media test of the National Evaluation Series. They must also pass Professional Knowledge Exams.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
Arkansas’ school librarians need to have a teaching license and a master’s degree in School Library Media. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and have two years’ teaching experience
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
School librarians in California need a bachelor’s degree or higher and a teaching license. They must pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test and complete Teacher Librarian Services Credential program or a similar professional preparation program in teacher librarian services.
Public Librarians
Colorado public librarians need a high school diploma and 2000 hours of paid/unpaid library work in five years, as well as 240 hours in specific competencies. In order to renew certification, 45 contact hours must be completed every three years.
School Librarians
School librarians in Colorado need a teaching license and a bachelor’s degree in library science, including fieldwork. They must pass the Program for Licensing Assessments for Colorado Educators.
Public Librarians
No certification required for public librarians. Library directors must have a Master of Library Science degree.
School Librarians
Connecticut school librarians must have a teaching license and a master’s degree, or a licensure in school library media as an endorsement.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
School librarians in Delaware must have a teaching license and a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
Florida’s school librarians need a teaching license and a bachelor’s degree in educational media or library science. They must pass Florida Teacher Certification Exams.
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Georgia need a Master in Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited program. In order to renew certification, they must complete 10 hours of continuing education every two years.
School Librarians
School librarians in Georgia need a master’s degree. They must also pass the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
Hawaii’s school librarians need a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
Idaho’s school librarians need a teaching license. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and the Idaho Technology Competency Assessment, as well as the Idaho Comprehensive Literacy Course for K-8 certification.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
School librarians in Illinois need a teaching license. They must pass the Library Media Content Test for Library Information Specialist as well as the Illinois Certification Testing System edTPA.
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Indiana must graduate from an ALA-accredited Master in Library Information Science program and have 10 years of library experience, including three years of staff supervision after completing their degree.
School Librarians
Indiana’s school librarians need a teaching license and must pass the Indiana CORE Assessments for Library/Media Specialist.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Iowa must graduate from an ALA-accredited Master in Library Information Science program and meet other requirements at higher levels. They must complete 45 contact hours for renewal of certification.
School Librarian
Iowa school librarians need a teaching license, and a bachelor’s degree for elementary school media specialist to work with K-6. They need a bachelor’s degree for secondary school media specialist to work with grades 7-12, and a master’s degree if they seek K-12 certification. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test for Library Media Specialist.
Public Librarian
Level 1 librarians in Kansas need a high school diploma and five years of experience. Level 2 requires 24 semester hours of college or 200 contact hours of experience. Level 3 requires an undergraduate degree or 400 contact hours. Level 4 requires a Master of Library Science. Certification renewal requires 45 contact hours to be completed every three years.
School Librarian
School librarians in Kansas need a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Specialist test.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Kentucky must have a Master of Library Science from an ALA-accredited school to be certified. To renew certification, they must complete 100 contact hours.
School Librarian
School librarians in Kentucky need a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II School Media Librarian Test if they have less than two years of teaching experience.
Public Librarian
Library directors must graduate from an ALA-accredited master’s degree program in library and information sciences and have three years of executive experience.
School Librarian
School librarians in Louisiana must have a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and the Praxis II Principles of Learning & Teaching test.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Maine must have a Master in Library Science or a bachelor’s degree if working in a smaller town.
School Librarian
School librarians in Maine must have a bachelor’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and the Praxis II Principles of Learning & Teaching test.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Maryland must have a Master in Library Information Science from an ALA-accredited school to be certified. Renewal involves completion of six semester hours or an in-service program.
School Librarian
School librarians in Maryland need a teaching license and a bachelor’s or master’s degree. They must pass Praxis I and II tests if they have taught less than two years.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Massachusetts need a graduate degree in Library Information Science or an unexpired librarian certificate from another state in order to be certified.
School Librarian
School librarians in Massachusetts need a teaching license and a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. They must pass the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure, with qualifying scores on the Communication and Literacy Skills Test.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Michigan must have a bachelor’s degree, or a Master in Library Information Science from an ALA-accredited school, or four years of library experience to be certified.
School Librarian
School librarians in Michigan need a teaching license and must pass the Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Library Media Content Test, unless they have three or more years of teaching experience. They must also pass a first aid training, including CPR.
Public Librarian
Minnesota’s public librarians must have 60 contact hours.
School Librarian
Minnesota’s school librarians need a teaching license and a bachelor’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and the Minnesota Teacher Licensing Exams.
Public Librarian
No certification required.
School Librarian
School librarians in Mississippi require a teaching license and a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a library media program. They must pass the Praxis I, and the Praxis II Library Media Content Tests.
Public Librarian
No certification required.
School Librarian
Missouri’s school librarians must have a teaching license and a bachelor’s degree. They must pass the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments.
Public Librarian
Montana’s public library directors must be certified. They must either have a Master of Library Science or Master of Library and Information Science completed in the last four years, or complete the Library Administrator Track, consisting of 60 continuing education credits in four years. 20 must be in Library Administration, with 10 credits each in Collection Management and Technical Services, Library Services to the Public, and Technology. Certificates are valid for four years, and one must reapply every four years to maintain certification. Certification is voluntary for other library staff.
School Librarian
Montana’s school librarians need a teaching license. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test, as well as an online course in Indian education.
Public Librarian
Nebraska’s public librarians must complete various levels of certification depending upon their educational level. If you have a degree in Library Science (undergraduate or graduate), you will receive a certificate and have to complete 45 continuing education credits in three years in order to renew the certificate. If you do not have a degree in library science, you must complete basic skills courses and the 45 continuing education credits.
School Librarian
School librarians in Nebraska must have a teaching license and pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test.
Public Librarian
In order to be certified as a public librarian in Nevada, you must have a bachelor’s degree and two years’ library experience; or an associate degree and four years’ experience; or a high school diploma and 7 years’ experience. In addition, you must have completed 21 credit hours in these subjects: organization and administration of a library, cataloguing, reference, selection of materials, children and young adult literature, educational media, and computers in a library. Certificates are valid for three yeas and must be renewed by completing three hours of credit approved by your library or five hours of continuing education credit from the University of Nevada Reno or University of Nevada Las Vegas.
School Librarian
School librarians in Nevada must have a teaching license and a master’s degree, and have completed a library media education program.
New Hampshire
Public Librarian
No certification required.
School Librarian
School librarians in New Hampshire need a teaching license and documentation of passing two college courses in library science, or documented librarian experience.
New Jersey
Public Librarian
Public librarians in New Jersey must be graduates of an ALA-accredited Master in Library Science program in order to be certified.
School Librarian
School librarians in New Jersey need a teaching license and a master’s degree.
New Mexico
Public Librarian
Public librarians in New Mexico must be graduates of an ALA-accredited Master in Library Science program in order to be certified.
School Librarian
School librarians in New Mexico need a teaching license, or a bachelor’s degree or certification in library/media from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. They must pass a Content Knowledge Assessment in Library Media.
New York
Public Librarian
Public librarians in New York must have a Master of Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited program, or have completed six graduate credits from such a program for a conditional New York Public Librarian certificate. Renewal of certificate requires completion of 60 professional development hours every five years.
School Librarian
New York’s school librarians may become certified in a variety of ways: by completing an approved teacher preparation program, through individual evaluation, through interstate reciprocity, or through National Board Certification. They must pass the New York State Teacher Certification Examination Program Content Specialty Test.
North Carolina
Public Librarian
Public librarians in North Carolina need a Master of Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited program in order to become certified.
School Librarian
School librarians in North Carolina need a teaching license, a master’s degree, and must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test.
North Dakota
Public Librarian
No certification required.
School Librarian
School librarians in North Dakota need a teaching license, a bachelor’s degree and 26 hours of library media education. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and the Praxis I ETS-Pre- Professional Skills Testing.
Public Librarian
Ohio’s public librarians need a Master of Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited school plus two years of post-master’s library experience to be certified. Certificates are renewed every five years by completing 100 continuing education hours in that five-year period.
School Librarian
School librarians in Ohio need a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Assessment of Professional Knowledge: Multi Age (PK-12) OAE, OAE School Library Media Specialist Content Assessment.
Public Librarians
Oklahoma’s public librarians must have an ALA-accredited Master of Library Science or Master of Library and Information Science for certification. Renewal involves completion of four continuing education units or three hours of approved college coursework, or completion of eight advanced classes in the Institute of Public Leadership.
School Librarians
Oklahoma’s school librarians need a teaching license and must pass the Oklahoma Teacher Certification Test.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
School librarians in Oregon need a teaching license, or a master’s degree with 29 hours in library science and 17 hours in advanced educational media. They must pass a Civil Rights Exam.
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Pennsylvania need a Master in Library and Information Science from an ALA-accredited program. Library directors must also complete eight hours of continuing education per year. Library staff who work at least 20 hours a week must complete six hours of continuing education per year.
School Librarians
Pennsylvania’s school librarians need a teaching license. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test, Praxis I and appropriate subject assessment tests.
Rhode Island
Public Librarians
Rhode Island’s librarians must have a Master of Library Science for certification. They must complete one continuing education event each year for renewal.
School Librarians
Rhode Island’s school librarians must have a teaching license and a bachelor’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test and the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (for K-12 teachers).
South Carolina
Public Librarians
Public librarians in South Carolina must have an ALA-accredited Master of Library and Information Science, plus three years of full-time library employment to be certified.
School Librarians
School librarians in South Carolina need a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content and the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (for K-12 teachers).
South Dakota
Public Librarians
A Master of Library Science from an ALA-accredited program is required for Grade I librarians. Grade II requires a bachelor’s degree and 18 hours of library coursework or completion of the South Dakota Library Training Institute. Grade III requires a high school diploma with three years’ library experience and completion of the South Dakota Library Training Institute, or an associate degree in library studies or 18 hours of library coursework. Certificates are renewable every three years and require 30 contact hours of continuing education.
School Librarians
School librarians in South Dakota need a teaching license and must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test.
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Tennessee must have a Master of Library Science for certification. Library staff must complete one continuing education program per year. Library directors must complete 4 continuing education programs per year.
School Librarians
Tennessee’s school librarians need a teaching license and a master’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content and the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (for K-12 teachers).
Public Librarians
Only library directors must complete 10 hours of continuing education each year.
School Librarians
School librarians in Texas must have a master’s degree and two years of teaching experience. They must pass the Texas Examination of Educator Standards or the Praxis II Library Media Content Test, or a comparable test from Arizona, Massachusetts, Colorado, Michigan, Illinois, Oklahoma or New Mexico.
Public Librarians
Utah’s public librarians must have a Master of Library Science or complete the state’s UPLIFT public library training program.
School Librarians
School librarians in Utah must have a teaching license and pass the Praxis II Library Media Content Test.
Public Librarian
Public librarians in Vermont must have formal library training (college degree) or complete 150 hours of the state’s continuing education library program in two years.
School Librarians
School librarians in Vermont must have a teaching license, a bachelor’s degree and at least 18 credits in library and information science, plus have completed a school librarian practicum.
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Virginia who serve populations greater than 15,000 must have a Master of Library Science.
School Librarians
School librarians in Virginia must have a teaching license and pass the Praxis I exam.
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Washington must have an ALA-accredited Master of Library and Information Science or equivalent non-ALA-accredited degree.
School Librarians
School librarians in Washington need a teaching license and must pass the Washington Educator Skills Test Basic.
West Virginia
Public Librarians
Public library directors in West Virginia must complete eight hours of continuing education annually. Library staff must complete three hours of continuing education annually.
School Librarians
School librarians in West Virginia need a teaching license and a bachelor’s degree. They must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content and the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching (for K-12 teachers).
Public Librarians
Public librarians in Wisconsin need a bachelor’s degree and an ALA-accredited Master of Library and Information Science. They must complete 100 hours of continuing education to renew certification.
School Librarians
School librarians in Wisconsin need a teaching license.
Public Librarians
No certification required.
School Librarians
School librarians in Wyoming need a teaching license. K-6 candidates must pass the Praxis II Library Media Content. Secondary candidates must pass the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching.