So, you want to become a librarian! It is a wonderful career goal to which to aspire. Because it is a career that requires a graduate degree, however, it can be costly. It is important to locate all of the sources that are available to you to help pay for your education. Some of those sources may be scholarships. There are many scholarship programs aimed at prospective librarians that can help you to reach your goals. In addition to the scholarship programs listed below, always check with your school’s MLS (Master of Library Science) or MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science) program. Many universities offer their own scholarships to students in the program. (Check with your state or local library system as well!)

ALA Scholarship Program
The ALA (American Library Association) offers a variety of scholarships for aspiring librarians. Through one handy online application, you can apply for many different scholarships they offer. Requirements for these scholarships include being a student in an ALA-accredited MLS or MLIS program, being a U.S. or Canadian citizen, official transcripts, having three references, writing a personal statement, and usually having finished no more than 12 credits of your MLS program. You must complete an online application (which is open between Sept. 1 and March 1 of the school year prior to the school year for which you are applying). Recipients are notified by June 1. ALA Scholarships include but are not limited to:
General Scholarships in ALA Scholarship Program
Christopher Hoy/ERT Scholarship – $5000 general scholarship open to all applicants who have applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies leading to a master’s degree
David H. Clift Scholarship— $3000 general scholarship open to all applicants who have applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies leading to a master’s degree
Marshall Cavendish Scholarship- $3000 general scholarship open to all applicants who have applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies leading to a master’s degree
Specialty Scholarships in ALA Scholarship Program
ALSC Bound to Stay Bound Books Scholarship – Four $8000 scholarships awarded to students who intend to pursue a MLS degree and work in children’s librarianship
ALSC Frederic G. Melcher Scholarship – Two $8000 scholarships awarded to students who intend to pursue a MLS degree and work in children’s librarianship
Christian Larew Memorial Scholarship – $3000 given to an applicant who has applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies leading to a master’s degree and plans to work in library automation/technology
Federal and Armed Forces Round Table Cicely Phippen Marks Scholarship – $1500 given to a library school student interested in working in a federal library
GODORT David W. Rozkuszka Scholarship – $3000 given to a library school student interested in working with government documents
Julia J. Brody Public Librarian Scholarship – $4000 given to applicant who has applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies leading to a master’s degree and plans to work in public librarianship
Library Information Technologies Scholarship – $3000 given to someone who wishes to enter the library and information technology field
Mary V. Gaver Scholarship – $300 awarded to students who intend to pursue a MLS degree and work in children’s librarianship
Peter Lyman Memorial/SAGE Scholarship for Library in New Media – awarded to an applicant who has applied for admission to a formal program of library and information studies resulting in a master’s degree and is specializing in new media
ALA Scholarships for Underrepresented Groups
ALA Spectrum Scholarship – $5000 tuition and $1500 in professional development funds to students in an MLS program from racial and ethnic underrepresented groups
Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies Scholarship – $2500 to a person with disabilities who is enrolled in a MLS program
Century Scholarship – $2500 to fund services or accommodations not provided by the school to a student in an MLS program with visual or physical disabilities
E.J. Josey Scholarship – $2000 awarded by the Black Caucus of the American Library Association to African American student enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLS program
LSSI Minority Scholarship– $2500 to students in an MLS program from racial and ethnic underrepresented groups
OCLC Minority Scholarship – $3000 to students in an MLS program from racial and ethnic underrepresented groups
Office for Diversity Spectrum Scholarship – $6500 to a student in an MLS program from one of these underrepresented groups: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
Virginia Matthews Memorial Scholarship – $2000 awarded to applicant in MLS program with American Indian heritage who works in a tribal library and is dedicated to serving American Indian populations.
ALA Library Support Staff Scholarships
Miriam L. Hornback Scholarship – $3000 to library support staff currently working in a library
Tom and Roberta Drewes Scholarship – $3000 to library support staff currently working in a library
Tony B. Leisner Scholarship – $3000 to library support staff currently working in a library
Other Library Scholarships Not Sponsored by the ALA
The following is a variety of librarian scholarships by groups other than the ALA (when available, links are provided to apply for each scholarship):
AALL Degree Candidate Scholarship – the American Association of Law Libraries awards $2000 to those studying to become a law librarian
Alice L. Haltom Educational Fund – $2000 given by this fund from Houston, TX to a student who intends to pursue a career in information and records management
ALISE Research Grant Competition – $5000 by the Association for Library and Information Science Education to a student doing research in education for library and information science
APALA Scholarship Program – $1000 awarded by the Asian Pacific American Librarians Association to a student of Asian or Pacific Islander heritage who has been admitted to an ALA-accredited master’s or doctoral program in library and information science. Must be ALA member.
ARMA International Educational Foundation Graduate Scholarship – $2500 by Association of Records Managers and Administrators to student earning information management related certification such as Certification of Records Management (CRM) or Information Governance Professional Certification (IGP)
Beard Scholarship – $1500 awarded by Georgia Library Association to ALA-accredited MLS student. Must agree to work in a Georgia library for one year after graduation.
Bernard Vavrek Scholarship – $1000 awarded by the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services to graduate student enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLS program.
Brooks McNamara Librarian Scholarship – $500 awarded by the Theatre Library Association for students interested in performing arts librarianship currently enrolled in a MLS program
CALA Scholarship of Library and Information Science – $1000 awarded by the Chinese American Library Association to a full-time student in an ALA-accredited MLS program
Caroline M. Hewins Scholarship – $4000 awarded by Hartford Public Library to student in an ALA-accredited MLS program who plans to work in public librarianship
CLA Scholarship for BIPOC Students in Memory of Edna Yelland – California Library Association awards $2500 to a BIPOC student in a MLS program who resides in California
DLA Linda Walge Penman Scholarship – Delaware Library Association awards $1000 to a high school junior or senior attending school in Delaware who plans to become a librarian or writer
Esther Schlundt Memorial Scholarship – $1000 awarded by Indiana Library Federation to student in an ALA-accredited MLS program or seeking a Library Technical Assistant Associate Degree
Friends of the Library of Hawaii Scholarship – up to $25,000 awarded by the Friends of the Library of Hawaii to MLS students who live in Hawaii and are enrolled full-time at an University of Hawaii campus
George A. Strait Minority Scholarship – amount varies; given by AALL to a minority college graduate and degree candidate who aspires to a career in law librarianship (must also qualify for an AALL Scholarship to apply)
Ginny Frankenthaler Memorial Scholarship – $1000 awarded by the Southeastern Library Association to a student in an ALA-accredited MLS program in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia or West Virginia. Must agree to work for one year after graduation in a library in the Southeast.
Gloria Hoegh Rural Librarians Scholarship – $900 awarded by the Wisconsin Library Association to librarians currently employed in a Wisconsin library serving community of under 5000 residents. Must be dedicated to rural librarianship
Gumdrop Books Librarian Scholarship – $5000 awarded by Greater Kansas City Community Foundation to those accepted into an ALA-accredited MLS program.
Hahn-Ahlers Continuing Education Scholarship – $1000 awarded by Washington Library Association to a WLA member who is working on a degree in library or education.
Helen B. and Lewis E. Goldstein Scholarship – $10,000 awarded by the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund to Jewish high school senior or high school graduate enrolling in an undergraduate or graduate program in library/information science; preference given to students who are immigrants
Hubbard Scholarship Fund – $3000 awarded by Georgia Library Association to MLS student in their senior undergraduate year in Georgia. Must agree to work in a Georgia library for one year after graduation.
Illinois Library Association Scholarships – a variety of awards provided by the Illinois Library Association
James S. McPhee Memorial Scholarship – $5000 awarded by Nevada Library Association to student in an ALA-accredited MLS program. Must be a NLA member and intend to work full-time in Nevada after graduation.
Jewell Gardiner Memorial Scholarship – $1000 awarded by California School Library Association to MLS student who intends to get their Teacher Librarian Credential. Must be member of CSLA Northern Region, resident of California, have prior teaching experience, and be wiling to serve as volunteer for a CSLA committee.
John Stanford Continuing Education Scholarship – $1000 to a Washington Library Association member of color working towards a degree or certificate in library or education
LexisNexis John R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship – amount varies; awarded by AALL to a student in a MLS program aspiring to a law librarianship/legal information career
LISS Covid-19 Emergency Scholarship – $500 awarded by Washington Library Association to a member and Washington resident enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLS program who experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19
Mary Moore Mitchell Scholarship – $1000 awarded by Library Interiors Group and the Louisiana Library Association to library science major in MLS program at Louisiana State University who was born in Louisiana or lived there for at least one year.
Maryan E. Reynolds Graduate Scholarship – up to $6000 awarded by Washington Library Association to student who has completed at least one semester of an ALA-accredited MLS program. Must live in Washington and have current WLA membership.
Medical Library Association Scholarship – $5000 awarded by the Medical Library Association to student at an ALA-accredited MLS program showing potential for accomplishment in health sciences librarianship
Mildred P. McKay Scholarship – amount varies; awarded by the New Hampshire Library Trustees Association to MLS student.
Music Library Association Diversity Scholarship – amount varies; offered by Music Library Association to a student from an underrepresented group who is pursuing a MLS degree
Pennsylvania Library Association MLS/MLIS Scholarship – $2000 to Pennsylvania Library Association member who lives in PA and is a PALA member seeking an ALA-accredited MLS/MLIS.
Phyllis E. Ainsworth Scholarship – $2000 awarded by Maine Library Association to a member who is a resident of Maine and student in an ALA-accredited graduate library program.
RCF Helen Keating Ott Scholarship – amount varies, awarded by Richland County Foundation to student from Richland County, Ohio who has been accepted to a graduate school of library or information science
REFORMA Scholarship – $1500 awarded by the National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking to a Spanish-speaking student at an ALA-accredited MLS program
Rev. Andrew L. Bouwhuis Memorial Scholarship – $1500 awarded by Catholic Library Association to student accepted into an ALA-accredited MLS program
Sheila Suen Lai Scholarship of Library and Information Science – $500 awarded by the Chinese American Library Association to a full-time student at an ALA-accredited MLS program
Sue Marsh Weller Memorial Scholarship – $1000 awarded by Indiana Library Federation to student in ALA-accredited MLS program specializing in children’s librarianship. Must be an Indiana resident and agree to work in an Indiana library for a year after graduation.
The Stephanie G. Hoffman Scholarship – $5000 awarded by the Jewish Community Federation & Endowment Fund to a Jewish high school senior, undergraduate or graduate student in a library science program who lives in the San Francisco Bay area
WALE Continuing Education Scholarship – $1000 awarded by Washington Library Employees of Washington Library Association to a member working on a degree or certificate in library or education.
William Gresh Memorial Scholarship – $1000 awarded by Indiana Library Federation to student enrolled in a MLS/MLIS program to receive educational certification in Library Media Services